Displaying Serials in range XL

WA148XL109Westland Whirlwind HAR10f/f 27/11/1956, d/d 15/01/1957, w/o 17/10/1970, s.o.c 08/02/1971HistoryEdit
WA149XL110Westland Whirlwind HAR10f/f 30/11/1956, d/d 11/12/1956, w/o 06/02/1973, s.o.c 31/07/1973HistoryEdit
WA150XL111Westland Whirlwind HAR10f/f 16/01/1957, d/d 07/02/1957, w/o 02/04/1967, to 8000M, scr. 1980HistoryEdit
WA151XL112Westland Whirlwind HAR10f/f 18/01/1957, d/d 13/02/1957, w/o 20/11/1970HistoryEdit
WA152XL113Westland Whirlwind HAR2f/f 16/11/1956, d/d 10/12/1956, w/o 05/08/1961HistoryEdit
XL117Blackburn Beverley C1To XL130History 
XL118Blackburn Beverley C1To XL131History 
XL119Blackburn Beverley C1To XL132History 
1031XL130Blackburn Beverley C1Ex XL117, f/f 27/04/1957, d/d 30/05/1957, scr. 29/08/1969 at No.71 MU BicesterHistory 
1032XL131Blackburn Beverley C1Ex XL118, f/f 23/05/1957, d/d 19/06/1957, scr. 29/08/1969 at No.71 MU BicesterHistory 
1033XL132Blackburn Beverley C1Ex XL119, f/f 11/06/1957, d/d 02/07/1957, w/o 17/05/1962History 
1034XL148Blackburn Beverley C1f/f 08/07/1957, d/d 26/07/1957, sold as scrap 25/03/1970 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistory 
1035XL149Blackburn Beverley C1f/f 15/07/1957, d/d 09/08/1957, to 7988M, (C) pres. Doncaster MuseumHistory 
1036XL150Blackburn Beverley C1f/f 02/08/1957, d/d 17/09/1957, w/o 15/12/1967History 
1037XL151Blackburn Beverley C1f/f 11/09/1957, d/d 02/10/1957, w/o 10/10/1960History 
1038XL152Blackburn Beverley C1f/f 27/09/1957, d/d 25/10/1957, sold as scrap 25/03/1970 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistory 
XL158HP Victor K2f/f 02/11/1960, d/d 30/12/1960, scr. at Marham 12/1993HistoryEdit
XL159HP Victor B2d/d 31/08/1961, w/o 23/03/1962HistoryEdit
XL160HP Victor K2d/d 26/01/1961, to 8910M, b/u Marham 06/1994, (N) pres. MarhamHistoryEdit
XL161HP Victor K2d/d 27/03/1961, l/f 20/10/1993 to Lyneham, to 9214M, scr. 21/08/1995HistoryEdit
XL162HP Victor K2d/d 05/05/1961, to CTE Manston 11/1991 as 9114M, (C) perished during 1999HistoryEdit
XL163HP Victor K2d/d 07/02/1962, l/f 01/07/1986 to St. Athan, to 8916M, scr. 12/1991HistoryEdit
XL164HP Victor K2d/d 31/05/1963, to 9215M, scr. 08/1995, (N) pres. Bournemouth Museum, DorsetHistoryEdit
XL165HP Victor SR2d/d 08/11/1961, s.o.c. 30/10/1975 at No.19 MU St. Athan as CAT 5(S)HistoryEdit
XL188HP Victor K2d/d 02/11/1961, l/f 25/06/1991 to Kinloss, to 9100M, scr. 09/1997HistoryEdit
XL189HP Victor K2d/d 16/12/1961, to Waddington 02/07/1986 as 8912M, scr. 08/1989HistoryEdit
XL190HP Victor K2d/d 03/05/1962, l/f 19/10/1993 to St. Mawgan, to 9216M, (N) pres. ManstonHistoryEdit
XL191HP Victor K2d/d 28/06/1962, w/o 19/06/1986, (N) pres. Geauga, OhioHistoryEdit
XL192HP Victor K2d/d 28/06/1962, s.o.c. 07/07/1988 as CAT 5(C), to 9024M, scr. Marham 02/1996HistoryEdit
XL193HP Victor SR2d/d 30/08/1962, s.o.c. 10/11/1975 as CAT 5(S) at 19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XL230HP Victor SR2d/d 21/12/1961, w/o 10/05/1973HistoryEdit
XL231HP Victor K2d/d 02/02/1962, l/f 25/11/1993 to Elvington, Yorkshire for preservationHistoryEdit
XL232HP Victor K2d/d 13/03/1962, w/o 15/10/1982HistoryEdit
XL233HP Victor K2d/d 11/04/1962, to St. Athan store 31/07/1986, scr. 25/04/1988HistoryEdit
WA6621XL237Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 18/07/1957 to MLD as 6-50, later to 111, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6622XL238Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 20/08/1957 to MLD as 6-51, later to 112, w.f.u. 14/07/1964History 
WA6623XL239Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 30/07/1957 to MLD as 6-52, later to 113, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6624XL240Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 05/09/1957 to MLD as 6-53, w/o 06/11/1957History 
WA6625XL241Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 05/09/1957 to MLD as 6-54, to 114, w.f.u. 24/10/1963 and b/u for sparesHistory 
XL250HP Victor B2Mis-painted, re-serialled?History 
XL251HP Victor B2Mis-painted, re-serialled?History 
XL252HP Victor B2Mis-painted, re-serialled?History 
XL253HP Victor B2Mis-painted, re-serialled?History 
XL254HP Victor B2Mis-painted, re-serialled?History 
XL255HP Victor B2Mis-painted, re-serialled?History 
WA6626XL269Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 20/08/1957 to MLD as 6-55, to 115, w.f.u. 29/03/1963 and b/u for sparesHistory 
WA6627XL270Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 19/09/1957 to MLD as 6-56, later to 116, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6628XL271Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 17/09/1957 to MLD as 6-57, later to 117, w.f.u. 14/07/1964History 
WA6629XL272Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 23/10/1957 to MLD as 6-58, to 118, w.f.u. 24/09/1963 and b/u for sparesHistory 
WA6630XL273Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 01/10/1957 to MLD as 6-59, later to 119, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6631XL274Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 23/10/1957 to MLD as 6-60, later to 120, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6632XL275Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 06/11/1957 to MLD as 6-61, later to 121, w/o 30/09/1959History 
WA6633XL276Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 23/11/1957 to MLD as 6-62, later to 122, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6634XL305Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 13/11/1957 to MLD as 6-63, later to 123, w.f.u. 14/07/1964History 
WA6635XL306Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 13/11/1957 to MLD as 6-64, to 124, w.f.u. 24/09/1963 and b/u for sparesHistory 
WA6636XL307Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 26/11/1957 to MLD as 6-65, later to 125, w/o 09/03/1962History 
WA6637XL308Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 03/12/1957 to MLD as 6-66, later to 126, w/o 08/07/1960History 
WA6638XL309Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 17/01/1958 to MLD as 6-67, later to 127, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6639XL310Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 18/12/1957 to MLD as 6-68, to 128, w.f.u. 29/03/1963 and b/u as sparesHistory 
WA6640XL311Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 18/12/1957 to MLD as 6-69, later to 129, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
WA6641XL312Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 08/01/1958 to MLD as 6-70, to 130, w.f.u. 24/10/1963 and b/u as sparesHistory 
WA6642XL313Hawker Sea Hawk FB50d/d 29/01/1958 to MLD as 6-71, later to 131, w.f.u. 23/10/1964History 
XL317Avro Vulcan B2d/d 07/06/1962, l/f 01/12/1981 to Akrotiri, to 8725M, scr. 1987HistoryEdit
XL318Avro Vulcan B2d/d 01/09/1961, l/f 11/12/1981, to RAF Museum, Hendon, London 12/02/1982HistoryEdit
XL319Avro Vulcan B2d/d 20/10/1961, l/f 21/01/1983 to North East Aviation Museum, SunderlandHistoryEdit
XL320Avro Vulcan B2d/d 01/12/1961, l/f 02/06/1981 to St. Athan, scr. 31/08/1981 HistoryEdit
XL321Avro Vulcan B2d/d 10/01/1962, to Catterick Fire School 19/08/1982 as 8759M, perished 1987HistoryEdit
XL359Avro Vulcan B2d/d 01/02/1962, to Scampton 01/03/1981 for display, scr. 09/1982HistoryEdit
XL360Avro Vulcan B2d/d 01/03/1962, sold 26/01/1983, l/f 04/02/1983 to Midland Air MuseumHistoryEdit
XL361Avro Vulcan B2d/d 14/03/1962, w/o 13/11/1981, pres. Goose Bay, Labrador, CanadaHistoryEdit
XL384Avro Vulcan B2d/d 15/03/1962, w/o 12/08/1971, to 8505M, 8670M, scr. ScamptonHistoryEdit
XL385Avro Vulcan B2d/d 17/04/1962, w/o 06/04/1967HistoryEdit
XL386Avro Vulcan B2d/d 11/05/1962, to Manston 26/08/1982, to 8760M, scr. 1994HistoryEdit
XL387Avro Vulcan B2d/d 01/06/1962, to St. Athan 28/01/1982, 8748M, scr. 02/06/1983HistoryEdit
XL388Avro Vulcan B2d/d 13/06/1962, to 8750M, (N) pres. AeroVenture, DoncasterHistoryEdit
XL389Avro Vulcan B2d/d 11/07/1962, scr. St. Athan 31/08/1981HistoryEdit
XL390Avro Vulcan B2d/d 19/07/1962, w/o 11/08/1978HistoryEdit
XL391Avro Vulcan B2d/d 22/05/1963, l/f 16/02/1983 to Blackpool for display, scr. 12/01/2006HistoryEdit
XL392Avro Vulcan B2d/d 01/08/1962, l/f to Valley 10/03/1982, to 8745M, perished 08/1993HistoryEdit
XL425Avro Vulcan B2d/d 30/08/1962, w.f.u. 04/01/1982 and broken up Scampton 22/02/1982HistoryEdit
XL426Avro Vulcan B2d/d 12/09/1962, to G-VJET 07/07/1987, pres. SouthendHistory 
XL427Avro Vulcan B2d/d 01/10/1962, l/f to Macrihanish 13/08/1982 fire dump 8756M, scr. 06/1995HistoryEdit
XL443Avro Vulcan B2d/d 05/10/1962, b/u 22/02/1982 at Scampton, scr. 04/1982HistoryEdit
XL444Avro Vulcan B2d/d 30/10/1962, w.f.u. 10/09/1982, scr. 08/12/1982 at WaddingtonHistoryEdit
XL445Avro Vulcan K2d/d 24/11/1962, l/f 01/04/1984 to Lyneham 8811M, scr. 1987, (N) pres. ScamptonHistoryEdit
XL446Avro Vulcan B2d/d 29/11/1962, s.o.c. 01/03/1982 as CAT 5(C) at Scampton, scr. 11/1982HistoryEdit
F9432XL449Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 02/10/1958, d/d 23/11/1959, b/u Rhoose, Cardiff 1996, (N) OxfordshireHistory 
F9433XL450Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 31/01/1959, d/d 13/03/1959, to 8601M, pres. Hermeskeil, GermanyHistory 
F9434XL451Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 06/03/1959, d/d 07/04/1959, w/o 22/11/1968History 
F9435XL452Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 03/04/1959, d/d 30/05/1959, w/o 15/01/1969History 
F9436XL453Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 26/05/1959, d/d 21/07/1959, w/o 25/01/1960History 
F9437XL454Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 30/07/1959, d/d 14/08/1959, scr. Yeovilton 1980History 
F9438XL455Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 22/08/1959, d/d 15/09/1959, w/o 25/11/1968History 
F9439XL456Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 25/09/1959, d/d 06/01/1960, w/o 03/06/1974History 
F9440XL471Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 09/12/1959, d/d 27/02/1960, scr. Lichfield during 1988History 
F9441XL472Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 04/11/1959, d/d 30/01/1960, to Wales Aerospace Centre, St Athan 08/2018 History 
F9442XL473Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 20/11/1959, d/d 03/02/1960, scr. Lossiemouth 1978History 
F9443XL474Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 12/01/1960, d/d 03/02/1960, w/o 29/06/1972History 
F9444XL475Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 09/02/1960, d/d 27/02/1960, w/o 10/05/1966History 
F9445XL476Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 27/02/1960, d/d 03/05/1960, scr. Lossiemouth 1978History 
F9446XL477Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 10/03/1960, d/d 31/03/1960, w/o 09/03/1961History 
F9447XL478Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 29/03/1960, d/d 29/04/1960, w/o 12/10/1965History 
F9448XL479Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 13/04/1960, d/d 04/05/1960, scr. Lossiemouth 09/1979History 
F9449XL480Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 13/05/1960, d/d 03/06/1960, scr. Yeovilton 1979History 
F9450XL481Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 28/05/1960, d/d 04/07/1960, scr. Lossiemouth 09/1979History 
F9451XL482Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 25/07/1960, to USA 15/02/1982 as N1350X, pres. Pima Museum, Arizona, USAHistory 
F9452XL493Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 09/08/1960, w/o 24/06/1966History 
F9453XL494Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 26/08/1960, w/o 14/09/1978, scr. Gibraltar 02/1981History 
F9454XL495Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 04/10/1960, w/o 22/11/1960History 
F9455XL496Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 07/11/1960, scr. Lossiemouth 1979History 
F9456XL497Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 19/01/1961, pres. Dumfries and Galloway Museum on 13/04/2006History 
F9457XL498Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 20/12/1960, w/o 01/05/69, b/u 06/02/1970 at Lee-on-SolentHistory 
F9458XL499Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 10/01/1960, w/o 09/04/1962History 
F9459XL500Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 09/03/1961, to A2701, to G-KAEW, to private owner St. AthanHistory 
F9460XL501Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 09/03/1961, w/o 18/01/1965History 
F9461XL502Fairey Gannet AEW3d/d 29/03/1961, to 8610M, to G-BMYP, pres. Elvington MuseumHistory 
F9462XL503Fairey Gannet AEW3f/f 13/04/1961, d/d 08/05/1961, pres. FAAM YeoviltonHistory 
13407XL507Bristol Sycamore HR51Ex 'XK903', d/d 06/03/1956, d/d 10/03/1956 to RAN as 13407, w/o 24/05/1957History 
XL511HP Victor K2f/f 04/05/1962, d/d 26/07/1963, to CTE Manston 02/07/1986, perished 08/1993HistoryEdit
XL512HP Victor K2f/f 04/05/1962, d/d 08/11/1963, scr. Marham 12/1993 to Birds Commercial MetalsHistoryEdit
XL513HP Victor K2d/d 30/12/1963, w/o 29/09/1976HistoryEdit
125XL517SA Pioneer CC1f/f 29/01/1956, ex G-AOGK, d/d 02/05/1956, w/o 15/07/1966, s.o.c. 11/08/1966History 
126XL518SA Pioneer CC1d/d 02/05/1956, d/d 05/08/1969 to SOAF, to No.389 MU Seleter s.o.c. 30/10/1962History 
127XL519SA Pioneer CC1d/d 02/05/1956, w/o 15/06/1957, s.o.c 10/07/1957 as CAT 5(C)History 
128XL520SA Pioneer CC1d/d 10/05/1956, w/o 13/09/1957, s.o.c 02/10/1957 as CAT 5(C)History 
129XL553SA Pioneer CC1d/d 10/05/1956, w/o 20/09/1957, s.o.c 02/10/1957 as CAT 5(C)History 
130XL554SA Pioneer CC1d/d 10/05/1956, to SOAF 05/08/1959, w/o 13/09/1959History 
131XL555SA Pioneer CC1d/d 08/06/1956, w/o 29/04/1960, s.o.c 11/05/1960 as CAT 5(C)History 
132XL556SA Pioneer CC1d/d 28/06/1956, w/o 22/09/1958, s.o.c 09/10/1958 as CAT 5(C)History 
133XL557SA Pioneer CC1d/d 02/07/1956, w/o 09/08/1960, s.o.c 10/08/1960 as CAT 5(C)History 
134XL558SA Pioneer CC1d/d 05/07/1956, w/o 18/04/1968, s.o.c 27/04/1968 as CAT 5(C)History 
HABL003303XL563Hawker Hunter T7f/f 11/10/1957, d/d 19/12/1957, to 9218M, stored Farnborough for FAST MuseumHistory 
HABL003358XL564Hawker Hunter T7f/f 08/01/1958, d/d 10/03/1960, w/o 06/08/1998, (N) Norwich MuseumHistory 
HABL003304XL565Hawker Hunter T7f/f 03/02/1958, d/d 24/06/1958, to Bruntingthorpe 21/03/2002History 
XL566Hawker Hunter T7f/f 20/02/1958, d/d 04/1958, to Bruggen, 03/04/1986 as 8891M, scr. 1995History 
XL567Hawker Hunter T7f/f 27/02/1958, d/d 30/05/1958, to 8723M, stored Classic Jets, ExeterHistory 
XL568Hawker Hunter T7Af/f 06/03/1958, d/d 20/10/1958, to 9224M, pres. RAF Museum, CosfordHistory 
XL569Hawker Hunter T7f/f 03/04/1958, d/d 01/07/1958, to 8833M, pres. East Midlands AeroparkHistory 
XL570Hawker Hunter T7f/f 15/03/1958, d/d 30/06/1958, w/o 25/09/1958History 
XL571Hawker Hunter T7f/f 29/03/1958, d/d 22/07/1958, w/o 08/09/1977History 
HABL003311XL572Hawker Hunter T7f/f 02/04/1958, d/d 01/07/1958, to 8834M, to G-HNTR 07/07/1989, pres. ElvingtonHistory 
HABL003360XL573Hawker Hunter T7f/f 17/04/1958, d/d 17/07/1958, to G-BVGH 26/11/1993, to St. AthanHistory 
XL574Hawker Hunter T7f/f 18/04/1958, d/d 13/11/1958, tested to destruction 11/1961History 
XL575Hawker Hunter T7f/f 29/04/1958, d/d 07/1958, w/o 08/11/1971History 
XL576Hawker Hunter T7f/f 30/04/1958, d/d 25/07/1958, to N576NL, w/o 17/11/1999, stored ChinoHistory 
HABL003314XL577Hawker Hunter T7f/f 30/04/1958, d/d 15/07/1958, to 8676M, to G-XMHD, to Jordan 05/2016History 
HABL003316XL578Hawker Hunter T7f/f 27/05/1958, d/d 15/07/1958, preserved Laarbruch Weeze Museum, GermanyHistory 
XL579Hawker Hunter T7f/f 13/05/1958, d/d 29/07/1958, w/o 22/01/1976History 
XL580Hawker Hunter T8Mf/f 30/05/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, pres. FAAM YeoviltonHistory 
XL581Hawker Hunter T8f/f 30/05/1958, d/d 03/07/1958, w/o 06/08/1958History 
XL582Hawker Hunter T8f/f 17/06/1958, d/d 01/08/1958, w/o 26/01/1968History 
XL583Hawker Hunter T7f/f 28/05/1958, d/d 18/09/1958, w/o 01/12/1981History 
XL584Hawker Hunter T8Cf/f 08/09/1958, d/d 06/10/1958, w/o 31/10/1984History 
XL585Hawker Hunter T8Cf/f 14/10/1958, d/d 29/10/1958, w/o 30/01/1969History 
HABL003320XL586Hawker Hunter T7f/f 27/06/1958, d/d 06/08/1958, pres. Billericay, EssexHistory 
41H/693455XL587Hawker Hunter T7f/f 17/07/1958, d/d 06/08/1958, to 8807M, to G-HPUX 12/03/1999, to ScamptonHistory 
41H/693685XL591Hawker Hunter T7f/f 06/08/1958, d/d 18/09/1958, pres. Gatwick Aviation Museum, CharlwoodHistory 
41H/693686XL592Hawker Hunter T7f/f 30/08/1958, d/d 29/09/1958, to 8836M, preserved MaidenheadHistory 
41H/693747XL593Hawker Hunter T7f/f 30/08/1958, d/d 29/09/1958, w/o 05/08/1982History 
XL594Hawker Hunter T7f/f 10/09/1958, d/d 06/10/1958, w/o 16/04/1964History 
41H/693688XL595Hawker Hunter T7f/f 04/09/1958, d/d 09/10/1958, to G-BTYL, w/o 13/06/1993History 
XL596Hawker Hunter T7f/f 17/09/1958, d/d 10/1958, w/o 02/11/1973History 
XL597Hawker Hunter T7f/f 22/09/1958, d/d 31/10/1958, w/o 29/05/1980History 
41H/693836XL598Hawker Hunter T8Cf/f 15/10/1958, d/d 01/12/1958, to G-BVWG, to ZU-ATH, Cape Town, South AfricaHistory 
XL599Hawker Hunter T8f/f 04/11/1958, d/d 09/12/1958, w/o 23/08/1961History 
XL600Hawker Hunter T7f/f 07/10/1958, d/d 14/11/1958, to G-RAXA, to London Museum, OntarioHistoryEdit
41H/693832XL601Hawker Hunter T7f/f 15/10/1958, d/d 03/11/1958, to A2617, to G-BZSR, Vissenaken, BelgiumHistory 
41H/694512XL602Hawker Hunter T8Mf/f 18/11/1958, d/d 30/12/1958, to G-BWFT St AthanHistory 
41H/694514XL603Hawker Hunter T8Mf/f 06/12/1958, d/d 13/01/1959, to N603XL, New Richmond, WisconsinHistory 
XL604Hawker Hunter T81f/f 10/12/1958, d/d 19/01/1959, to G-9-416, to Ken AF as 802, to AFZ as 1084, stored GweruHistory 
41H/693834XL605Hawker Hunter T70f/f 14/10/1958, d/d 01/12/1958, to G-9-214, RSAF 70-617, RJAF 836, to XX467History 
41H/695343XL609Hawker Hunter T7f/f 01/12/1958, d/d 22/12/1958, to 8866M, (N) South Molton, to Spark BridgeHistory 
XL610Hawker Hunter T7f/f 12/11/1958, d/d 23/01/1959, w/o 07/06/1962History 
XL611Hawker Hunter T7f/f 11/12/1958, d/d 20/01/1959, w/o 14/05/1968History 
XL612Hawker Hunter T7f/f 12/12/1958, d/d 23/01/1959, privately owned La Marsaudiere, FranceHistory 
41H/695347XL613Hawker Hunter T7f/f 19/12/1958, d/d 23/01/1959, to G-BVMB, ZS-CWD n.t.u, ZU-LEE Cape TownHistory 
41H/695446XL614Hawker Hunter T7Af/f 01/01/1959, d/d 03/02/1959, to USA as N614XL 05/1996, w/o 22/07/2003History 
XL615Hawker Hunter T7f/f 07/01/1959, d/d 27/01/1959, w/o 01/06/1960History 
41H/695448XL616Hawker Hunter T7Af/f 03/01/1959, d/d 03/02/1959, 9223M, G-BWIE, SE-DXH, to London, Ontario, CanadaHistory 
41H/695449XL617Hawker Hunter T7f/f 03/01/1959, d/d 27/01/1959, to 8837M, to G-HHNT, to N617NLHistory 
41H/695450XL618Hawker Hunter T7f/f 10/01/1959, d/d 04/02/1959, to Flugplatzmuseum Gutersloh 05/2016History 
41H/695452XL619Hawker Hunter T7f/f 07/01/1959, d/d 03/02/1959, w/o 21/10/1981History 
41H/695453XL620Hawker Hunter T70f/f 13/01/1959, d/d 03/02/1959, to G-9-215, RSAF 70-616, RJAF 835, to XX466History 
41H/695454XL621Hawker Hunter T7f/f 09/01/1959, d/d 04/02/1959, to G-BNCX Dunsfold Park, preservedHistory 
XL622Hawker Hunter T7f/f 15/01/1959, d/d 04/02/1959, w/o 17/05/1971History 
41H/695455XL623Hawker Hunter T7f/f 17/01/1959, d/d 04/02/1959, to 8770M, under restoration, Dunsfold, SurreyHistory 
XL628EE Lightning T4f/f 06/05/1959, w/o 01/10/1959History 
XL629EE Lightning T4f/f 21/10/1959, placed on display 02/1977 at Boscombe Down Main GateHistory 
13397XL635Bristol Britannia C1f/f 29/12/1959, d/d 29/01/1960, to OO-YCA, scr. Stansted during 07/1977History 
13398XL636Bristol Britannia C1f/f 23/04/1959, d/d 04/06/1959, to OO-YCE, scr. at Ostende, Belgium 07/1978History 
13399XL637Bristol Britannia C1f/f 12/05/1959, d/d 26/06/1959, to OO-YCH, to 9Q-CBT, scr. Goma, Zaire 1992History 
13400XL638Bristol Britannia C1f/f 22/06/1959, d/d 05/08/1959, w/o 12/10/1967, scr. Khormaksar, AdenHistory 
13448XL639Bristol Britannia C1f/f 28/08/1959, d/d 07/10/1959, to EI-BDC, to G-BRAC, w/o 16/02/1980History 
13449XL640Bristol Britannia C1f/f 08/10/1959, d/d 30/10/1959, to EI-BCI, G-BHAU, 9Q-CHU, scr. KinshasaHistory 
13454XL657Bristol Britannia C1f/f 23/11/1959, d/d 23/12/1959, to 9U-BAD, w.f.u. Gosselies, scr. 04/1981History 
13455XL658Bristol Britannia C1f/f 03/12/1959, d/d 04/02/1960, to EI-BBY, w/o 30/09/1978History 
13456XL659Bristol Britannia C1f/f 01/02/1960, d/d 04/03/1960, to OO-YCB, w.f.u. at Ostende, scr. 12/1977History 
13457XL660Bristol Britannia C1f/f 04/03/1960, d/d 23/04/1960, to G-BEMZ, to 9Q-CGP, scrapped 1980'sHistory 
135XL664SA Pioneer CC1f/f 29/08/1956, d/d 21/09/1956, w/o 16/06/1961, perished Bicester circa 1961History 
136XL665SA Pioneer CC1d/d 04/10/1956, s.o.c. 26/10/1967 as CAT 5(C) at No.389 MU Seletar, SingaporeHistory 
137XL666SA Pioneer CC1d/d 05/10/1956, s.o.c. 01/01/1970 as CAT 5(C) at Tengah, SingaporeHistory 
138XL667SA Pioneer CC1d/d 31/10/1956, w/o 12/05/1962, s.o.c 15/05/1962 as CAT 5(C)History 
145XL668SA Pioneer Srs.1Serial n.t.u, to CeylonHistory 
XL670SA Pioneer Srs.1Serial n.t.u, to CeylonHistory 
XL671SA Pioneer Srs.1Serial n.t.u, to CeylonHistory 
XL672SA Pioneer Srs.1Serial n.t.u, to CeylonHistory 
XL673SA Pioneer Srs.1Serial n.t.u, to CeylonHistory 
XL674SA Pioneer Srs.1Serial n.t.u, to CeylonHistory 
139XL699SA Pioneer CC1d/d 31/10/1956, w/o 24/07/1960, s.o.c 11/08/1960 as CAT 5(C) History 
140XL700SA Pioneer CC1d/d 06/11/1956, w/o 10/02/1963, s.o.c 11/03/1963 as CAT 5(S)History 
141XL701SA Pioneer CC1d/d 18/12/1956, w/o 01/07/1958History 
142XL702SA Pioneer CC1d/d 18/12/1956, s.o.c 01/01/1970 as CAT 5(C) at Tengah, SingaporeHistory 
143XL703SA Pioneer CC1d/d 18/12/1956, to 8034M, pres. RAFM Cosford, to Hendon, stored CosfordHistory 
144XL704SA Pioneer CC1d/d 09/01/1957, s.o.c 18/04/1967 as CAT 5(C) at No.389 MU Seletar, SingaporeHistory 
146XL705SA Pioneer CC1d/d 24/01/1957, w/o 11/08/1967History 
147XL706SA Pioneer CC1f/f 25/01/1957, d/d 05/02/1957, s.o.c. 25/07/1968 at No.389 MU Seletar, SingaporeHistory 
126XL710DHC Otter d/d 1956, to USN 147574, to NZ6081, to ZK-CFH, CF-PNV, N63535 stored Renton, WAHistory 
84566XL714DH Tiger Moth T2Ex G-AOGR, ex T6099, to G-AOGR CranwellHistory 
XL715DH Tiger Moth T2Ex G-AOIK, ex DE395, w/o 16/08/1962History 
83673XL716DH Tiger Moth T2Ex G-AOIL, ex T7363, to G-AOIL, w/o 15/05/2011History 
83805XL717DH Tiger Moth T2Ex G-AOXG, ex T7291, to G-ABUL YeoviltonHistory 
58-265XL722Sikorsky S-58 Ex 141602, ex G-17-1, f/f 17/03/1956, to A2514, scr. by 1968History 
WA1XL727Westland Wessex HAS1f/f 20/06/1958, to Ternhill dump 1970, perished 1974History 
WA2XL728Westland Wessex Mk.5(hybrid)f/f 16/09/1958, to Brawdy Fire Dump 1988, scrapped 1992History 
WA3XL729Westland Wessex HAS1f/f 06/10/1958, d/d 10/06/1959, to A2641, perished Culdrose 1980History 
S2/5064XL734Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 02/07/1958, to Wyton fire dump 11/10/1968, perished by 1992History 
S2/5066XL735Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 30/05/1958, last noted privately owned Tattershall Thorpe, LincolnshireHistory 
S2/5067XL736Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 22/08/1958, w/o 25/09/1968, stored Weston-super-MareHistory 
S2/5068XL737Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 22/08/1958, w/o 22/05/1962, to 7754M, perished Bicester dumpHistory 
S2/5069XL738Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 30/09/1958, w/o 15/02/1963, to 7860M, fate?History 
S2/5071XL739Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 09/09/1958, w/o 08/10/1968, s.o.c. 11/10/1968, pres. Forncett St. PeterHistory 
S2/5072XL740Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 25/08/1958, w/o 10/11/1967, s.o.c. 14/12/1967 as CAT 5(C) in GermanyHistory 
S2/5074XL762Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 16/09/1958, to 8017M, pres. East Fortune Museum, East Lothian, ScotlandHistory 
S2/5075XL763Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 25/09/1958, s.o.c. 23/05/1968, to AeroVenture, to StorwoodHistory 
S2/5076XL764Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 09/10/1958, to 7940M, pres. Newark Air Museum, NottinghamshireHistory 
S2/5078XL765Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 02/02/1959, sold 02/08/1968, to Museum Sandown Airport IoWHistory 
S2/5079XL766Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 17/10/1958, w/o 24/07/1963, s.o.c. 30/01/1964 as CAT 5(C)History 
S2/5080XL767Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 21/11/1958, sold 20/10/1969, preserved Krakow, PolandHistory 
S2/5084XL768Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 20/11/1958, w/o 21/06/1962, s.o.c. 26/06/1962, perished BicesterHistory 
S2/5085XL769Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 08/12/1958, to 7981M, to Stockport 1977, fate?History 
S2/5086XL770Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 12/12/1958, s.o.c. 23/05/1968, to 8046M, pres. Southampton MuseumHistory 
S2/5087XL771Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 18/12/1958, w/o 31/07/1964, s.o.c. 30/09/1964, remains scrappedHistory 
S2/5088XL772Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 15/01/1958, w/o 16/06/1960, remains scrapped Middle WallopHistory 
S2/5089XL806Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 23/01/1959, w/o 04/10/1963, s.o.c. 27/11/1963 in West Germany, scr.History 
S2/5090XL807Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 14/01/1959, w/o 07/11/1967, s.o.c. 14/12/1967 in West Germany, scr.History 
S2/5093XL808Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 02/02/1959, w/o 18/06/1967, s.o.c. 22/06/1967 in West Germany, scr.History 
S2/5094XL809Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 16/02/1959, s.o.c. 12/12/1968, to PH-HOF, to G-BLIX, Wilden, BedfordshireHistory 
S2/5095XL810Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 13/03/1959, w/o 18/08/1966, s.o.c. 30/09/1966 in West Germany, scr.History 
S2/5096XL811Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 27/02/1959, w/o 18/08/1967, pres. THM Weston-Super-MareHistory 
S2/5097XL812Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 13/03/1959, sold 30/04/1978, to G-SARO, stored Middle Wallop, HampshireHistory 
S2/5098XL813Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 29/04/1959, to AAC Museum, Middle Wallop 23/01/1968 for displayHistory 
S2/5099XL814Saro Skeeter AOP12d/d 06/03/1959, preserved Middle Wallop, HampshireHistory 
13415XL820Bristol Sycamore HR14w/o 25/03/1964History 
13417XL821Bristol Sycamore HR14Broken up Seletar, Singapore during 1968History 
13438XL822Bristol Sycamore HR14w/o 06/05/1963History 
13441XL823Bristol Sycamore HR14To No.15 MU Wroughton 01/08/1966, to G.I. Catterick, perishedHistory 
13444XL824Bristol Sycamore HR14Ex RAF Museum Store, Stafford, to Bristol Aero Collection, Filton.History 
13447XL825Bristol Sycamore HR14w/o 28/09/1962History 
13460XL826Bristol Sycamore HR14w/o 28/02/1966, to 7909M n.t.u, to 7916MHistory 
13468XL827Bristol Sycamore HR14To No.15 MU Wroughton 26/05/1966, to fire dump, still present 08/08/1971History 
13471XL828Bristol Sycamore HR14w/o 19/12/1959History 
13474XL829Bristol Sycamore HR14Preserved at The Helicopter Museum Weston-super-MareHistory 
WA195XL833Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 15/10/1957, d/d 09/12/1957, w/o 08/09/1958History 
WA196XL834Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 21/10/1957, d/d 09/12/1957, w/o 15/08/1958History 
WA197XL835Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 21/10/1957, d/d 09/12/1957, to 8356M, perished Predannack Fire SchoolHistory 
WA198XL836Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 27/10/1957, d/d 11/02/1958, to A2642, perished Predannack 1993History 
WA199XL837Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 26/10/1957, d/d 09/12/1957, w/o 30/01/1959History 
WA200XL838Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 29/10/1957, d/d 01/04/1958, w/o 06/11/1958, s.o.c. 11/12/1958History 
WA201XL839Westland Whirlwind HAR9f/f 07/11/1957, d/d 20/02/1958, to A2665, perished Lee-on-Solent 1984History 
WA202XL840Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 19/11/1957, d/d 27/02/1958, to Bawtry - Paintball, Doncaster 2000History 
WA203XL841Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 22/11/1957, d/d 27/02/1958, s.o.c. 17/06/1965History 
WA204XL842Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 02/12/1957, d/d 17/02/1958, w/o 30/08/1958History 
WA205XL843Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 11/12/1957, d/d 27/01/1958, s.o.c. 12/06/1975 to Middle Wallop, perishedHistory 
WA206XL844Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 12/02/1958, d/d 17/02/1958, w/o 11/1964, s.o.c. 13/11/1964History 
WA207XL845Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 13/02/1958, d/d 27/02/1958, w/o 08/05/1964History 
WA208XL846Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 18/02/1958, d/d 28/02/1958, to A2625, perished Predannack 1992History 
WA209XL847Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 12/02/1958, d/d 17/02/1958, to A2626, scr. Middle Wallop 1998History 
WA210XL848Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 24/02/1958, d/d 05/03/1958, w/o 27/09/1958History 
WA211XL849Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 07/03/1958, d/d 01/04/1958, w/o 14/02/1960History 
WA212XL850Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 21/03/1958, d/d 08/09/1958, w/o 09/02/1960History 
WA213XL851Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 21/03/1958, d/d 10/04/1958, w/o 06/04/1960History 
WA214XL852Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 10/04/1958, d/d 30/04/1958, w.f.u. 05/12/1974, scr. Yeovilton circa 1978History 
WA215XL853Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 17/04/1958, d/d 30/04/1958, to A2630, stored FAAM YeoviltonHistory 
WA216XL854Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 17/04/1958, d/d 30/04/1958, w/o 05/09/1961History 
WA217XL867Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 19/04/1958, d/d 30/04/1958, scr. HolyheadHistory 
WA218XL868Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 21/04/1958, d/d 01/05/1958, w/o 20/06/1969, A2595, s.o.c. 18/07/1969History 
WA219XL869Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 24/04/1958, d/d 02/05/1958, w/o 28/10/1958History 
WA220XL870Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 08/05/1958, d/d 20/05/1958, w/o 07/05/1962, s.o.c. 25/05/1962, scr.History 
WA221XL871Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 14/05/1958, d/d 29/05/1958, w/o 23/10/1958, s.o.c. 30/10/1958History 
WA222XL872Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 19/05/1958, d/d 28/05/1958, w/o 25/04/1963History 
WA223XL873Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 23/05/1958, d/d 03/06/1958, w/o 31/07/1961History 
WA224XL874Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 11/06/1958, d/d 26/06/1958, perished Farnborough dump circa 1981History 
WA225XL875Westland Whirlwind HAR9f/f 25/06/1958, d/d 03/07/1958, to Airwork Training School, Perth 02/05/1977 for G/I (now renamed AST Engineering), to private owner Scotland History 
WA226XL876Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 26/06/1958, d/d 03/07/1958, w/o 20/03/1961History 
WA227XL877Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 14/07/1958, d/d 22/07/1958, w/o 21/10/1958History 
WA228XL878Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 14/07/1958, d/d 22/07/1958, w/o 17/05/1968, s.o.c. 23/01/1970History 
WA229XL879Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 20/07/1958, d/d 01/08/1958, w/o 10/03/1961History 
WA230XL880Westland Whirlwind HAR9f/f 25/07/1958, d/d 08/1958, to A2714, perished Predannack by 06/1996History 
WA231XL881Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 06/08/1958, d/d 05/09/1958, w/o 11/09/1969History 
WA232XL882Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 20/08/1958, d/d 03/09/1958, w/o 16/11/1966History 
WA233XL883Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 17/09/1958, d/d 30/09/1958, b/u 25/06/1962 at FleetlandsHistory 
WA234XL884Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 19/09/1958, d/d 30/09/1958, w/o 05/03/1968, s.o.c. 15/03/1968History 
WA235XL896Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 25/09/1958, d/d 06/10/1958, w/o 02/06/1964, s.o.c. 14/07/1964 scr.History 
WA236XL897Westland Whirlwind HAS7f/f 25/09/1958, d/d 06/10/1958, w/o 10/04/1960History 
WA237/WAF.17XL898Westland Whirlwind HAR9f/f 16/10/1958, d/d 31/10/1958, to 8654M, scrapped during 1992History 
WA238/WAF.18XL899Westland Whirlwind HAR9f/f 24/10/1958, d/d 08/12/1958, to Predannack by 12/1980, perished 1993History 
WA239XL900Westland Whirlwind HAR9f/f 29/10/1958, d/d 07/11/1958, w/o 21/11/1973, b/u for spares and produceHistory 
XL905SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL906SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL907SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL920SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL921SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL922SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL923SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL924SR.177 CanxHistory 
XL925SR.177 CanxHistory 
PAC/66/87XL929Percival Pembroke C1d/d 27/09/1957, to G-BNPU, w.f.u, to South Wales Aircraft Museum, St Athan 11/2020History 
PAC/66/92XL930Percival Pembroke C1d/d 03/10/1957, scr. 18/08/1970 at Wildenrath, GermanyHistory 
PAC/66/95XL931Percival Pembroke C1d/d 03/01/1958, scr. 18/08/1970 at Wildenrath, GermanyHistory 
PAC/66/98XL953Percival Pembroke C1d/d 04/06/1957, w/o 16/05/1980History 
PAC/66/101XL954Percival Pembroke C1d/d 08/08/1957, to 9042M, to N4234C, to G-BXES, to St. AthanHistory 
PAC/66/104XL955Percival Pembroke C1d/d 17/02/1958, w/o 13/09/1968, b/u as spares 1969 at Muharraq, BahrainHistory 
PAC/66/107XL956Percival Pembroke C1d/d 09/04/1958, to Catterick Fire School 16/12/1971, perished 1974History 
14007XL961DH Heron Srs.2Ex G-AMTS, d/d 1956, returned to G-AMTS 10/1956, w/o 10/07/1961History 
514XL966SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 29/08/1957, d/d 20/10/1958, w/o 02/03/1961History 
518XL967SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 26/03/1958, d/d 10/12/1958, w/o 19/04/1960History 
520XL968SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 24/05/1958, d/d 24/02/1959, perished AndoverHistory 
522XL969SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 18/05/1958, d/d 12/11/1958, s.o.c. Seletar 30/10/1968History 
524XL970SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 16/05/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, scr. Bahrain 10/1967History 
525XL991SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 13/04/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, w/o 29/09/1967History 
527XL992SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 09/06/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, scr. Bahrain 10/1968History 
528XL993SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 12/06/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, to 8388M, pres. RAF Museum, CosfordHistory 
530XL994SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 22/06/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, w/o 18/04/1963History 
531XL995SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 16/06/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, scr. Singapore 12/1968History 
534XL996SA Twin Pioneer CC2f/f 24/06/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, scr. Bahrain 10/1968History 
535XL997SA Twin Pioneer CC1f/f 01/07/1958, d/d 30/07/1958, scr. Singapore 10/1968History 

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