Displaying Serials in range XA

15130XA100DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 19/05/1953, to Brawdy 18/07/1960 for storage, b/u 08/03/1961History 
15131XA101DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 10/08/1953. To RAAF, to RAN N6-101, pres. Harrington Park, AustraliaHistory 
15200XA102DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 11/08/1953, sold as scrap 02/08/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15201XA103DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, w/o 17/03/1955History 
15202XA104DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15203XA105DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, sold as scrap 10/09/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15204XA106DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, w/o 05/07/1958History 
15205XA107DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, sold 10/11/1972 to FAChHistory 
15206XA108DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, w/o 14/06/1960History 
15207XA109DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, to East Fortune Museum 1972, to Montrose Museum 03/08/2011History 
15208XA110DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, sold as scrap 31/01/1957 at BelfastHistory 
15209XA111DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15210XA112DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15211XA113DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, w/o 16/08/1955, to Bramcote fire dump 1956, perishedHistory 
15212XA114DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/09/1953, w/o 19/10/1960History 
15213XA115DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 05/10/1953, broken up as spares 27/07/1968 at BrawdyHistory 
15214XA116DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 14/10/1953, sold as scrap 10/09/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15215XA117DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 25/10/1953, w/o 15/10/1959History 
15216XA118DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 15/10/1953, sold as scrap 10/09/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15217XA119DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 14/10/1953, sold as scrap 10/09/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15218XA120DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 16/11/1953, w/o 12/08/1955History 
15219XA121DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 16/11/1953, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15220XA122DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 16/11/1953, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15221XA123DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 27/11/1953, w/o 20/10/1955History 
15222XA124DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 16/11/1953, w/o 12/11/1954History 
15223XA125DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 16/11/1953, sold as scrap 31/01/1967 at BelfastHistory 
15404XA126DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 03/05/1954, sold as scrap 31/01/1967 at BelfastHistory 
15405XA127DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 03/05/1954, scr. Bradwell & Co, Bournemouth, (N) pres. FAAM, YeoviltonHistory 
15406XA128DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 03/05/1954, sold 10/11/1972 to FAChHistory 
15407XA129DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 07/05/1954, to FAAM, Yeovilton 14/07/1970, stored Cobham HallHistory 
15408XA130DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 07/05/1954, to Brawdy's fire dump 07/1963, since perishedHistory 
15409XA131DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 10/05/1954, sold as scrap 31/01/1967 at BelfastHistory 
15410XA152DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 10/05/1954, w/o 15/02/1955History 
15411XA153DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 18/05/1954, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15412XA154DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 25/05/1954, sold as scrap 31/01/1967 at BelfastHistory 
15413XA155DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 25/05/1954, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15498XA156DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 01/06/1954, sold as scrap 10/09/1965 to Bradwell & Co, BournemouthHistory 
15499XA157DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 04/06/1954, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15500XA158DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 10/06/1954, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15501XA159DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 14/06/1954, w/o 15/11/1960History 
15502XA160DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 28/06/1954, sold as scrap 04/11/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15503XA161DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 21/07/1954, sold as scrap 31/01/1967 at BelfastHistory 
15504XA162DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 21/07/1954, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15505XA163DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 16/07/1954, sold as scrap 31/01/1967 at BelfastHistory 
15506XA164DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 07/07/1954, sold as scrap 02/06/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15507XA165DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 21/07/1954, w/o 03/02/1970, to 8148M, scr. Crowbrough 1977History 
15508XA166DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 27/07/1954, to FACh as J-307, w.f.u. 12/1980History 
15509XA167DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 13/08/1954, to RAN, allocated N6-167, preserved Wanaka, New ZealandHistory 
15510XA168DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 16/08/1954, w/o 07/10/1956History 
15511XA169DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 21/09/1954, to Brawdy fire dump 03/1966, sold as scrap 11/1966History 
15512XA170DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 03/11/1954, sold as scrap 31/01/1967 at BelfastHistory 
15513XA171DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 03/11/1954, sold as scrap 10/09/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
15514XA172DH Sea Vampire T22d/d 23/10/1954, sold as scrap 10/09/1965 at BrawdyHistory 
XA181Supermarine 545 Project cancelled in 1955, to Cranfield, scr.History 
XA186Supermarine 545 CanxHistory 
1356XA191Avro York 1Ex G-AMGK, to OD-ABV, to G-AMGK, scr. Stansted 07/1961History 
1215XA192Avro York 1Ex TS790 n.t.u, G-AGNM. To WW511, to G-AGNM, scr. Stansted 12/1958History 
1354XA192Avro York 1Ex LV-XGN, ex LV-AFV, ex G-AMGL, w/o 11/03/1952History 
XA197Vickers Wild Goose   
XA198Vickers Wild Goose   
XA199Vickers Wild Goose   
XA200Vickers Wild Goose   
XA201Vickers Wild Goose   
XA202Vickers Wild Goose   
XA203Vickers Wild Goose CanxHistory 
XA204Vickers Wild Goose CanxHistory 
SH1606XA209Short Seamew AS1f/f 13/08/1953, d/d 27/05/1954, scr. 02/06/1958 to John Eastwood Ltd, BelfastHistory 
SH1607XA213Short Seamew AS1f/f 13/08/1954, d/d 03/07/1955, scr. 02/06/1958 History 
SH1608XA216Short Seamew AS1Structural test rig, scr. at SydenhamHistory 
13063XA219Bristol Sycamore HR50f/f 25/10/1952, d/d 31/10/1952 to RAN, w/o 10/09/1958, b/u 15/12/1958History 
13064XA220Bristol Sycamore HR50f/f 05/12/1952, d/d 31/12/1952 to RAN, pres. Nowra, AustraliaHistory 
13065XA221Bristol Sycamore HR50f/f 12/1952, d/d 12/01/1953 to RAN, w/o 25/01/1955, scr. 01/02/1956History 
858XA225Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 23/01/1953, sold 22/04/1985, privately owned Snitterfield, to IrelandHistoryEdit
859XA226Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 01/1953, pres. Norfolk and Suffolk Air Museum, FlixtonHistoryEdit
860XA227Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 28/01/1953, to No.14 MU Carlisle 06/1978. Location unknownHistoryEdit
861XA228Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 30/01/1953, sold 29/06/1988 to Glenalmond College, to East FortuneHistoryEdit
862XA229Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 05/02/1953, to BGA3379/FMW, last noted stored BourneHistoryEdit
863XA230Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 17/02/1953, sold 29/06/1988, to BGA4098/HPP, to Henlow, to Saltby 2019HistoryEdit
864XA231Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 16/02/1953, to 8888M 03/03/1986, pres. RAF Manston History MuseumHistoryEdit
865XA232Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 19/02/1953, s.o.c 03/12/1971 as CAT 5sHistory 
866XA233Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 02/1953 - current location and status unknownHistoryEdit
867XA234Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 23/02/1953, s.o.c 13/11/1973 as CAT 5sHistory 
868XA235Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 09/03/1953, s.o.c 21/03/1963 as CAT 5sHistory 
869XA236Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 02/1953, - current location and status unknownHistory 
870XA237Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 27/02/1953, pres. National Soaring Museum, Elmira, NY, USAHistoryEdit
871XA238Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 16/03/1953, s.o.c. 17/10/1961 as CAT 5sHistory 
872XA239Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 19/03/1953, stored Newark Air Museum, NottinghamshireHistoryEdit
873XA240Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 27/03/1953, sold 12/02/1988, to BGA4556/JJS, to Portmoak 08/2008HistoryEdit
874XA241Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 27/03/1953, sold 12/02/1988, to BGA4556/JJS, to Old WardenHistoryEdit
875XA242Slingsby Grasshopper TX1current location and status unknownHistory 
876XA243Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 09/04/1953, to 8886M 20/02/1986, privately owned UKHistoryEdit
877XA244Slingsby Grasshopper TX1d/d 26/05/1953, Bannerdown Gliding Club, Keevil, to Brent Tor 21/09/2013HistoryEdit
101XA249HP Marathon T11Ex G-ALUB, d/d 28/03/1952 to RAF, scr. 15/01/1959 No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
102XA250HP Marathon T11Ex VX249, ex G-ALVW, d/d 21/06/1954 to the RAF, w/o 10/12/1957History 
103XA251HP Marathon T11Ex G-ALVX, d/d 28/03/1952 to the RAF, s.o.c. 16/11/1957 and scrappedHistory 
104XA252HP Marathon T11Ex G-ALVY, d/d 29/09/1954 to the RAF, scr. Shoreham 02/1962History 
105XA253HP Marathon T11Ex G-ALXR, d/d 11/10/1954 to the RAF, w/o 05/05/1958History 
106XA254HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMAX, d/d 08/11/1954 to the RAF, w/o 09/01/1956History 
107XA255HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMAY, d/d 06/12/1954, w/o 27/03/1957, to 7465M, scr. TopcliffeHistory 
108XA256HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMDH, d/d 07/01/1954 to the RAF, s.o.c. 07/11/1957 and scrappedHistory 
109XA257HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMEK, d/d 12/01/1955, scr. 24/04/1959 at No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
110XA258HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMEL, d/d 16/05/1955, scr. 15/01/1959 at No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
111XA259HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMEM, d/d 30/12/1953, scr. 24/04/1959 at No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
113XA260HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMEP, d/d 10/09/1954, scr. 24/04/1959 at No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
114XA261HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMER, d/d 09/09/1954, rtnd to G-AMER, scr. Shoreham 1962History 
115XA262HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMET, d/d 17/06/1954, sold for spares 11/05/1959History 
116XA263HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMEU, d/d 23/02/1954, sold as spares 24/04/1959History 
117XA264HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMEV, d/d 25/02/1954, sold as scrap 24/04/1959History 
118XA265HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMEW, d/d 19/02/1954, rtnd to G-AMEW, b/u Burnaston during 1962History 
119XA266HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGN, d/d 11/12/1953, scr. 15/01/1959 at No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
120XA267HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGO, d/d 29/06/1954, scr. 08/01/1959 at No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
121XA268HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGP, d/d 05/01/1954, w/o 11/02/1958History 
122XA269HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGR, d/d 30/03/1954, rtnd to G-AMGR, scr. Shoreham 1962History 
123XA270HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGS, d/d 05/01/1954, rtnd to G-AMGS, scr. Portsmouth 1962History 
124XA271HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGT, d/d 26/05/1954, w/o 30/09/1954History 
125XA272HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGU, d/d 31/12/1953, scr. 24/04/1959 at No.8 MU HullavingtonHistory 
126XA273HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMGV, d/d 10/05/1954, w/o 30/11/1957History 
131XA274HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMHT, d/d 10/05/1954, rtnd to G-AMHT, scr. Shoreham 05/1964History 
132XA275HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMHU, d/d 30/03/1954, scr. 24/04/1959 International Alloys LtdHistory 
135XA276HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMHX, d/d 15/04/1959, scr. 24/04/1959 International Alloys LtdHistory 
136XA277HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMHY, XA277 n.t.u, to JA6009, scr. Nagoya 1974History 
137XA278HP Marathon T11Ex G-AMHZ, XA278 n.t.u, to JA6010, scr. Minamitama-GunHistory 
824XA282Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 09/06/1952, sold 19/08/1986, pres. Caernarfon Air MuseumHistoryEdit
825XA283Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 09/06/1952, w/o 12/06/1955, s.o.c. 01/07/1955 CAT 5(C) at No.71 MU BicesterHistory 
826XA284Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 16/06/1952. To G-BNPF 03/11/1987, to RiseleyHistoryEdit
827XA285Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 30/06/1952, w/o 30/10/1962, to BGA1200, to Midden ZeelandHistory 
828XA286Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 14/07/1952, sold 24/08/1987, to PH-1452HistoryEdit
829XA287Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 16/08/1952, w/o 18/09/1972History 
830XA288Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 28/05/1952, w/o 23/10/1978, to G-BPCW, to EI-CJT to Mountnagle AreaHistoryEdit
831XA289Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 08/09/1952, sold 14/08/1985, stored, Eaglescott, Devon, to BGA5804HistoryEdit
832XA290Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 07/10/1952, sold 24/08/1987, to Portmoak, Scotland 2008, to BGA5628HistoryEdit
833XA291Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 02/10/1952, s.o.c. 21/04/1954 as CAT 5(C)History 
834XA292Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 06/10/1952, to BGA 3350/FLR, to N81653, to N292XA Compton, USAHistoryEdit
835XA293Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 15/11/1952, nose pres. Hooton Park, to Doncaster Museum 10/2022HistoryEdit
836XA294Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 27/10/1952, s.o.c. 24/08/1977 and scrappedHistory 
837XA295Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 15/10/1952, to BGA3336/FLB, to Aston Down, GloucestershireHistoryEdit
838XA296Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 20/10/1952, s.o.c. 16/10/1955 CAT 5(C)History 
839XA297Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 01/12/1952, w/o 29/03/1959, to G-BCYH, Farthing Corner, to RiseleyHistory 
840XA298Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 12/11/1952, w/o 21/04/1957History 
841XA299Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 03/11/1952, w/o 02/03/1958, to RAFGSA 248, to BGA1151History 
842XA300Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 08/12/1952, w/o 23/10/1978 in hangar fire at KenleyHistory 
843XA301Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 08/12/1952, w/o 26/09/1974, s.o.c. CAT 5s 14/10/1974History 
844XA302Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 17/12/1952, to BGA3786/HAK, pres. RAF Museum, HendonHistoryEdit
845XA303Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 26/01/1953, w/o 06/08/1954History 
846XA304Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 04/12/1952, w/o 26/05/1970History 
847XA305Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 05/01/1953, w/o 13/03/1965History 
848XA306Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 12/01/1953, w/o 24/04/1983, s.o.c. 30/12/1983 as CAT 5cHistory 
849XA307Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 19/01/1953, w/o 13/08/1962History 
850XA308Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 23/02/1953, sold 19/08/1986, to BGA4228/HVB, Hilversum, NetherlandsHistoryEdit
851XA309Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 23/02/1953, sold 21/08/1986 to I Mathews, Dublin. Fate unknownHistoryEdit
852XA310Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 18/02/1953, sold 22/08/1985, to BGA4963/KBP, Nympsfield Gloucestershire HistoryEdit
853XA311Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 25/02/1953, sold 22/08/1985, to OO-ZMQ, to BGA5834 Jindrichuv Hradec, CzechiaHistoryEdit
854XA312Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 23/03/1953, to 8876M, pres. RAF Manston History MuseumHistory 
855XA313Slingsby Cadet TX3d/d 23/03/1953, w/o 13/06/1956, s.o.c. as CAT 5(S) at No.71 MU BicesterHistory 
F9211XA319Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 28/03/1955, to Westlands 01/01/1961, to Indonesian Navy as AS-16History 
F9212XA320Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/09/1955, w/o 13/03/1956History 
F9213XA321Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 28/09/1955, sold as scrap 02/02/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9214XA322Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 04/10/1955, sold as scrap 08/08/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9215XA323Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 04/10/1955, sold as scrap 02/02/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9216XA324Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 28/03/1955, broken up 02/11/1961 as spares at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9217XA325Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 25/03/1955, sold as scrap 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9218XA326Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 25/04/1955, to RAN 08/1955, perished Nowra fire dump 15/05/1968History 
F9219XA327Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 25/04/1955, to RAN 08/1955, perished Nowra fire dump 17/01/1972History 
F9220XA328Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 04/1955, to RAN 08/1955, perished Nowra fire dump 15/05/1968History 
F9221XA329Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 04/1955, to RAN 08/1955, sold as scrap 05/06/1968History 
F9222XA330Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 04/1955, to RAN 08/1955, w/o 06/06/1962History 
F9223XA331Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 01/06/1955, to RAN 08/1955, pres. Queensland Air Museum, CaloundraHistory 
F9224XA332Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 01/06/1955, to RAN 08/1955, w/o 30/01/1959History 
F9225XA333Fairey Gannet T2d/d 08/06/1955, to RAN 08/1955, perished Nowra fire dump 01/1975History 
F9226XA334Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 27/06/1955, to RAN 03/1956, pres. Harrington Park, NSW, AustraliaHistory 
F9227XA335Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 27/06/1955, scr. 27/02/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9228XA336Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 04/10/1955, sold for scrap 01/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9229XA337Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 04/10/1955, w/o 07/03/1956History 
F9230XA338Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/10/1955, sold as scrap 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9231XA339Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 08/11/1955, sold to Faireys, to Indonesian Navy as AS-05History 
F9232XA340Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/07/1955, sold as scrap 02/02/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9233XA341Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 25/07/1955, sold as scrap 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9234XA342Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 25/07/1955, w/o 08/10/1957, to A2471, expired Predannack circa 1973History 
F9235XA343Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 30/08/1955, to RAN, s.o.c. 02/11/1970History 
F9236XA344Fairey Gannet AS1f/f 09/10/1955, d/d 09/11/1955, sold as scrap 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9237XA345Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 11/11/1955, sold as scrap 02/02/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9238XA346Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 08/11/1955, sold as scrap 02/02/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9239XA347Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 09/11/1955, sold as scrap 10/03/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9240XA348Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 06/12/1955, sold to Faireys, to Indonesian Navy as AS-11History 
F9241XA349Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 27/09/1955, sold to Faireys, to Indonesian Navy as AS-04History 
F9242XA350Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 28/09/1955, to RAN 08/05/1956, w/o 16/03/1963History 
F9243XA351Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 03/10/1955, to RAN 03/1956, sold as scrap 04/01/1967 at NowraHistory 
F9244XA352Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/12/1955, sold as scrap 27/02/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9245XA353Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 15/12/1955, sold as scrap 02/02/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9246XA354Fairey Gannet AS1f/f 11/11/1955, d/d 16/12/1955, w/o 13/06/1956History 
F9247XA355Fairey Gannet AS1f/f 27/11/1955, d/d 12/12/1955, w/o 20/02/1958History 
F9248XA356Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 01/11/1955, to RAN 03/1956, w/o 30/11/1960History 
F9249XA357Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 07/11/1955, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9250XA358Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/12/1955, sold as scrap on 27/02/1963 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9251XA359Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 12/1955, to RAN 03/1956, w/o 18/05/1960History 
F9252XA360Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 09/01/1956, sold as scrap on 17/11/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9253XA361Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 24/01/1956, sold to Faireys, to Indonesian Navy as AS-06History 
F9254XA362Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 11/01/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9255XA363Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 11/01/1956, to A2528, expired Predannack early 1980'sHistory 
F9256XA364Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 31/01/1956, sold as scrap on 02/02/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9257XA387Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 23/11/1955, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9258XA388Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 06/12/1955, sold as scrap on 02/02/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9259XA389Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 08/12/1955, to RAN 03/1956, sold as scrap 04/01/1967 at NowraHistory 
F9260XA390Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 14/02/1956, w/o 05/07/1957History 
F9261XA391Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 22/02/1956, w/o 25/09/1957History 
F9262XA392Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 14/02/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9263XA393Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/03/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9264XA394Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/03/1956, sold as scrap 01/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9265XA395Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 06/03/1956, sold as scrap 01/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9266XA396Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 20/03/1956, scr. Portland 1964History 
F9267XA397Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 13/03/1956, sold to Faireys 15/10/1959, to Indonesian Navy as AS-03History 
F9268XA398Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 26/03/1956, sold to Faireys 15/10/1959, to Indonesian Navy as AS-02History 
F9269XA399Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 13/01/1956, sold as scrap on 27/02/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9270XA400Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 16/01/1956, sold as scrap on 27/02/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9271XA401Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 17/01/1956, sold as scrap on 15/03/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9272XA402Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 07/02/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9273XA403Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 02/1956, d/d 08/05/1956 to RAN, w.f.u. 15/08/1967, burnt at Nowra History 
F9274XA404Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 22/02/1956, sold as scrap on 08/08/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9275XA405Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 05/03/1956, sold as scrap on 27/02/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9276XA406Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 12/04/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9277XA407Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 25/04/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9278XA408Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 06/03/1956, sold as scrap on 18/12/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9279XA409Fairey Gannet AS1d/d 20/03/1956, sold to Faireys 15/10/1959, to Indonesian Navy as AS-01History 
F9280XA410Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 24/05/1956, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9281XA411Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 24/05/1956, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9282XA412Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/05/1956, sold as scrap by 01/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9283XA413Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 05/05/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9284XA414Fairey Gannet ECM6d/d 05/06/1956, w/o 27/11/1962History 
F9285XA415Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 05/06/1956, w/o 19/02/1957History 
F9286XA416Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 07/1956, w/o 20/08/1957History 
F9287XA417Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/07/1956, sold as scrap by 01/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9288XA418Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/07/1956, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9289XA419Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 24/05/1956, sold as scrap by 01/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9290XA420Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/07/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9291XA421Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 18/07/1956, w/o 15/05/1958History 
F9292XA422Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/09/1956, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9293XA423Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 13/09/1956, sold as scrap on 13/12/1960 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9294XA424Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 08/1956, w/o 17/09/1959History 
F9295XA425Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 05/10/1956, sold as scrap in 1963 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9296XA426Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 02/10/1956, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9297XA427Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/07/1956, w/o 07/05/1957History 
F9298XA428Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 18/09/1956, sold as scrap on 06/10/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9299XA429Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/07/1956, sold as scrap in 1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9300XA430Fairey Gannet COD4d/d 22/09/1956, broken up as spares 19/11/1976 at LossiemouthHistory 
F9301XA431Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 08/10/1956, sold as scrap on 1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9302XA432Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 17/10/1956, sold as scrap on 1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9303XA433Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 29/10/1956, w/o 29/03/1960History 
F9304XA434Fairey Gannet AS1Never delivered, to RAN 12/1956, pres. Nowra Museum, AustraliaHistory 
F9305XA435Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 01/11/1956, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9306XA436Fairey Gannet AS1Never delivered, to RAN 10/1956, w/o 16/06/1958History 
F9307XA454Fairey Gannet COD4d/d 29/11/1956, perished Yeovilton fire dump 1981History 
F9308XA455Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 05/12/1956, sold as scrap on 06/0/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9309XA456Fairey Gannet AS4f/f 21/11/1956, d/d 03/10/1956, to A2533, perished Predannack Fire SchoolHistory 
F9310XA457Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 14/01/1957, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9311XA458Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 07/01/1957, sold as scrap on 30/11/1969 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9312XA459Fairey Gannet ECM6d/d 15/01/1957, to A2608, pres. Solway Aviation MuseumHistory 
F9313XA460Fairey Gannet ECM6d/d 03/10/1956, pres. Ulster Aviation Society, Long KeshHistory 
F9314XA461Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 19/02/1957, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9315XA462Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 14/02/1957, sold as scrap on 06/10/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9316XA463Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 09/11/1956, s.o.c. 07/10/1970, broken up for spares at LossiemouthHistory 
F9317XA464Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 04/03/1957, sold as scrap on 06/10/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9318XA465Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 05/03/1957, w/o 29/07/1959, perished Sambawang fire dumpHistory 
F9319XA466Fairey Gannet COD4d/d 05/03/1957, s.o.c. 12/01/1979, pres. Yeovilton MuseumHistory 
F9320XA467Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 04/04/1957, sold as scrap on 18/10/1962 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9321XA468Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 06/05/1957, sold as scrap on 28/08/1964 at BelfastHistory 
F9322XA469Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 03/05/1957, sold as scrap on 22/11/1976 at CuldroseHistory 
F9323XA470Fairey Gannet COD4d/d 28/11/1956 s.o.c. 17/05/1977 at Lossiemouth, scrapped 07/1978History 
F9324XA471Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 28/11/1956 s.o.c. 17/05/1977 at Lossiemouth, scrapped 07/1978History 
F9325XA472Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 04/06/1957, w/o 05/09/1962History 
F9326XA473Fairey Gannet AS4d/d 05/06/1957, sold as scrap on 16/10/1973 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9328XA508Fairey Gannet T2d/d 07/02/1955, to A2472, pres. Midland Air Museum, CoventryHistory 
F9329XA509Fairey Gannet T2d/d 02/03/1955, sold as scrap on 08/08/1961 at AbbotsinchHistory 
F9330XA510Fairey Gannet T2d/d 07/03/1955, broken up Lee-on-Solent 14/12/1967History 
F9331XA511Fairey Gannet T2d/d 14/03/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 13/12/1960History 
F9332XA512Fairey Gannet T2d/d 22/04/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 13/12/1960History 
F9333XA513Fairey Gannet T2d/d 22/04/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 02/1961History 
F9334XA514Fairey Gannet T2d/d 22/04/1955, to RAN, burnt 31/07/1975History 
F9335XA515Fairey Gannet T2d/d 05/1955, to Farnborough fire dump 07/09/1960History 
F9336XA516Fairey Gannet T2d/d 13/06/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 08/08/1962History 
F9337XA517Fairey Gannet T2d/d 13/06/1955, to RAN, burnt 31/07/1975History 
F9338XA518Fairey Gannet T2d/d 06/1955, scr. Yeovil 01/05/1968, remains to Fleetlands, scr. 25/04/1969History 
F9339XA519Fairey Gannet T2d/d 05/07/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 13/12/1960History 
F9340XA520Fairey Gannet T2d/d 30/08/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 15/03/1961History 
F9341XA521Fairey Gannet T2d/d 30/08/1955, sold to Faireys, to Indonesian Navy as LA-18History 
F9342XA522Fairey Gannet T2d/d 22/09/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 18/12/1960History 
F9343XA523Fairey Gannet T2d/d 21/09/1955, to Arbroath 09/05/1958 for G.I. as A2459, later scr.History 
F9344XA524Fairey Gannet T2d/d 07/10/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 02/1961History 
F9345XA525Fairey Gannet T2d/d 28/10/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 13/12/1960History 
F9346XA526Fairey Gannet T2d/d 08/11/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 27/02/1962History 
F9347XA527Fairey Gannet T2d/d 13/12/1955, scrapped at Abbotsinch 27/02/1962History 
F9348XA528Fairey Gannet T2d/d 06/03/1956, scrapped at Abbotsinch 20/06/1962History 
F9349XA529Fairey Gannet T2d/d 10/01/1956, scrapped at Abbotsinch 27/02/1962History 
F9350XA530Fairey Gannet T2d/d 16/01/1956, scrapped at Abbotsinch 13/12/1960History 
XA531Fairey Gannet T2CanxHistory 
XA536EE Canberra T19d/d 04/1953, to Abingdon 30/08/1978, for BDRT as 8605M, scr. 03/1984HistoryEdit
XA539DH Sea Venom FAW21f/f 21/05/1954, d/d 03/06/1954, scr. BedfordHistory 
XA544Gloster Javelin FAW1f/f 22/07/1954, d/d 30/07/1954, to 7558M, scr. St. Athan 1963HistoryEdit
XA545Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 28/01/1955, s.o.c. 28/07/1960 and scrapped at Morton Vallance during 1963HistoryEdit
XA546Gloster Javelin FAW1f/f 28/08/1954, d/d 31/08/1954, w/o 21/10/1954, s.o.c. 25/01/1955 as CAT 5MHistoryEdit
XA547Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 14/01/1955, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA548Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 27/10/1954, scrapped at No.19 MU St. Athan during 1960HistoryEdit
XA549Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 30/11/1954, to 7717M, scr. SwinderbyHistoryEdit
XA550Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 31/12/1954, to 7484M, scr. WeetonHistoryEdit
XA551Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 31/01/1955, to 7586M, to G.I. at Halton, scr.HistoryEdit
XA552Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 18/02/1955, to Spadeadam Ranges 1963, since destroyedHistoryEdit
XA553Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 28/04/1955, to 7470M, to Cape Town, South Africa for display, scr. 04/2024HistoryEdit
XA554Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 28/04/1955, to 7662M at Halton, b/u for spares 07/10/1964 and scr.HistoryEdit
XA555Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 31/08/1955, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA556Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 25/06/1955, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA557Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 30/06/1955, s.o.c. 26/10/1960 and scrappedHistoryEdit
XA558Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 27/06/1955, w/o 05/06/1958HistoryEdit
XA559Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 22/07/1955, w/o 22/07/1958HistoryEdit
XA560Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 30/09/1955, to 7619M at Henlow 26/10/1959, later scrappedHistoryEdit
XA561Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 26/08/1955, w/o 08/12/1955HistoryEdit
XA562Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 29/07/1955, to Spadeadam Ranges 1963, since destroyedHistoryEdit
XA563Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 29/11/1955, to 7627M, to Catterick Fire School, perished circa 1965HistoryEdit
XA564Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 30/09/1955, to 7464M, pres. Cosford MuseumHistoryEdit
XA565Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 03/01/1956, sold as scrap on 19/03/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA566Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 30/12/1955, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA567Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 24/10/1955, to 7551M, scr. Melksham during 1963HistoryEdit
XA568Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 29/12/1955, s.o.c. 31/12/1964HistoryEdit
XA569Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 02/01/1956, w/o 18/02/1959HistoryEdit
XA570Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 29/12/1955, w/o 12/06/1956HistoryEdit
XA571Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 30/12/1955, to 1 SoTT Halton for G.I. as 7663M, scr.HistoryEdit
XA572Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 29/12/1955, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA618Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 02/01/1956, sold as scrap on 19/03/1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA619Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 02/01/1956, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA620Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 02/01/1956, to 7667M n.t.u, to 7723M, scr.HistoryEdit
XA621Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 09/01/1956, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA622Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 09/01/1956, scr. Farnborough 1961HistoryEdit
XA623Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 18/01/1956, sold as scrap on 19/03/1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA624Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 19/01/1956, to 7664M n.t.u, sold as scrap on 30/07/1962HistoryEdit
XA625Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 06/02/1956, w/o 12/05/1958HistoryEdit
XA626Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 06/02/1956, to 7666M, expired Manston circa 1965HistoryEdit
XA627Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 10/02/1956, to 7661M, sold as scrap during 1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA628Gloster Javelin FAW1d/d 28/02/1956, to 7665M n.t.u, to 7720M, b/u 07/10/1964 at MelkshamHistoryEdit
XA629Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 30/09/1956, s.o.c. 13/06/1963, scr. TernhillHistoryEdit
XA630Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 27/02/1956, sold as scrap on 20/03/1961 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA631Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 29/03/1956, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA632Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 29/03/1956, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA633Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/05/1956, sold as scrap on 31/07/1963 at AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA634Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/05/1956, to 7641M, pres. Binbrook, LincsHistoryEdit
XA635Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 30/04/1956, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA636Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 03/01/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA637Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 11/02/1957, sold as scrap on 31/07/1963 at No.23 MUHistoryEdit
XA638Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 11/02/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA639Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 11/02/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA640Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 11/01/1957, w/o 08/04/1960HistoryEdit
XA641Gloster Javelin FAW5f/f 26/07/1957, d/d 28/09/1956, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA642Gloster Javelin FAW5f/f 24/08/1956, d/d 22/03/1957, w/o 06/12/1957HistoryEdit
XA643Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 23/09/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA644Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 30/04/1956, w/o 24/08/1956HistoryEdit
XA645Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 21/10/1957, w/o 07/06/1962HistoryEdit
XA646Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 27/09/1957, w/o 25/07/1962, burnt Manston circa 1962HistoryEdit
XA647Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 29/03/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA648Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 25/03/1957, w/o 20/09/1958HistoryEdit
XA649Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 22/03/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA650Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 09/04/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA651Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 15/04/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA652Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 03/04/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA653Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 09/04/1957, s.o.c. 31/07/1964, expired Shawbury after 1964HistoryEdit
XA654Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 17/09/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA655Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 21/10/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA656Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 01/10/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA657Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 13/09/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA658Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 26/09/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA659Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 09/09/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA660Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 16/09/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA661Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 10/09/1957, w/o 29/10/1962HistoryEdit
XA662Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 17/07/1957, w/o 29/09/1959HistoryEdit
XA663Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 15/07/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA664Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 08/07/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA665Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 15/07/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA666Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 20/06/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA667Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 10/07/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA688Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 26/07/1957, s.o.c. 18/11/1962, scr. at Shawbury 1963HistoryEdit
XA689Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 24/05/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA690Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 30/05/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA691Gloster Javelin FAW5f/f 10/01/1957, d/d 19/06/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA692Gloster Javelin FAW5f/f 10/11/1956, d/d 30/08/1957, sold to Glosters 01/10/1959, scr.HistoryEdit
XA693Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 10/07/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA694Gloster Javelin FAW5f/f 27/01/1957, d/d 18/07/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA695Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 21/05/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA696Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 26/07/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA697Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 30/07/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA698Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 26/08/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA699Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 18/04/1957, to 7809M, pres. Midland Air Museum, CoventryHistoryEdit
XA700Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 30/08/1957, s.o.c. 17/03/1964, perished Shawbury fire dumpHistoryEdit
XA701Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 09/08/1957, w/o 04/10/1962, to 7765M, scr. Bicester by 1969HistoryEdit
XA702Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 19/08/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA703Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 16/07/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA704Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 24/07/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA705Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 18/07/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA706Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 24/05/1957, w/o 29/06/1960, to 7649M, expired LeemingHistoryEdit
XA707Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 30/07/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA708Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 03/05/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA709Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 16/05/1957, sold as scrap 21/09/1964 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA710Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 16/05/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA711Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 13/05/1957, scrapped during 1966 at FarnboroughHistoryEdit
XA712Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 26/04/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA713Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 16/05/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA714Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 21/05/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA715Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 30/04/1957, sold as scrap on 21/09/1964 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA716Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 20/06/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA717Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 17/05/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA718Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 19/06/1957, sold as scrap on 25/09/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA719Gloster Javelin FAW5d/d 19/06/1957, sold as scrap 21/09/1964 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA720Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 29/03/1956, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA721Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 30/04/1956, sold as scrap on 31/05/1962 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA722Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 01/04/1957, w/o 07/07/1959, s.o.c. 27/10/1960 at Glosters, scr.HistoryEdit
XA723Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/05/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA724Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 16/05/1956, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA725Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 16/05/1956, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA726Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 28/03/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA727Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 22/03/1957, to 7744M n.t.u, scr. on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA728Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 20/03/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA729Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 28/03/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA730Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 27/03/1957,sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA731Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 26/02/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA732Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 14/03/1957, w/o 25/05/1957HistoryEdit
XA733Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 12/03/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA734Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 27/03/1957, w/o 11/02/1958HistoryEdit
XA735Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/10/1956, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA736Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 27/03/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA737Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 29/03/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA749Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 22/10/1956, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA750Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 13/03/1957, w/o 20/06/1959HistoryEdit
XA751Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 13/03/1957, w/o 11/07/1958HistoryEdit
XA752Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 14/03/1957, w/o 02/03/1961, s.o.c. 06/03/1961 as CAT 5C and scr.HistoryEdit
XA753Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 20/03/1957, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA754Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 22/03/1957, w/o 27/10/1960, s.o.c. 16/11/1960 as CAT 5C and scr.HistoryEdit
XA755Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 20/03/1957, to 7725M, s.o.c. 28/10/1963 at St. Athan and scr.HistoryEdit
XA756Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/02/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA757Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 06/02/1957, sold as scrap on 31/05/1962 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA758Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 06/02/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA759Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 20/02/1957, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA760Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 20/02/1957, s.o.c. 10/05/1962 as CAT 5C at No.71 MU Bicester and scr.HistoryEdit
XA761Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 20/02/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA762Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 25/02/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA763Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/10/1956, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA764Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/10/1956, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA765Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 18/07/1956, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA766Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 11/01/1957, sold as scrap on 16/08/1963 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA767Gloster Javelin FAW4d/d 12/02/1957, sold as scrap on 11/03/1965 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA768Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 30/04/1956, to Ministry of Aviation, to Foulness 1962, scr.HistoryEdit
XA769Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 15/06/1956, sold as scrap on 31/05/1962 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA770Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 18/07/1956, sold as scrap on 31/05/1962 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA771Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 18/07/1956, scrapped during 1961 at Boscombe DownHistoryEdit
XA772Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 27/06/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA773Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 26/08/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA774Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 16/07/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA775Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 30/09/1957, sold as scrap on 22/03/1962 at No.33 MU LynehamHistoryEdit
XA776Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 14/06/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA777Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 14/06/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA778Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 31/08/1956, scrapped during 1968 at Boscombe DownHistoryEdit
XA779Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 24/07/1957, w/o 19/09/1958HistoryEdit
XA780Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 26/08/1957, to Ministry of Aviation, to Foulness 1962, scr.HistoryEdit
XA781Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 19/09/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA799Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 30/09/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA800Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 26/07/1957, sold as scrap on 31/05/1962 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA801Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 24/06/1957, to 7739M, scr. 02/1994 by Hanningfield MetalsHistoryEdit
XA802Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 05/07/1957, w/o 09/03/1959, s.o.c 16/03/1959 as CAT 5SHistoryEdit
XA803Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 26/07/1957, s.o.c. 02/05/1961 as CAT 5C at Waterbeach and scrappedHistoryEdit
XA804Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 19/11/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA805Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 16/06/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA806Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 14/06/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA807Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 14/06/1957, to Ministry of Aviation 29/01/1962, to Foulness 1962, scr.HistoryEdit
XA808Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 22/05/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA809Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 23/05/1957, sold as scrap on 17/10/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA810Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 14/06/1957, sold as scrap on 20/03/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA811Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 14/06/1957, to Ministry of Aviation 29/01/1962, to Foulness 1962, scr.HistoryEdit
XA812Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 03/07/1957, to Ministry of Aviation 29/01/1962, to Foulness 1962, scr.HistoryEdit
XA813Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 24/05/1957, w/o 12/04/1961, perished Waterbeach dumpHistoryEdit
XA814Gloster Javelin FAW2d/d 24/06/1957, to Ministry of Aviation 13/03/1962, to Foulness 1962, scr.HistoryEdit
XA815Gloster Javelin FAW6f/f 15/01/1957, d/d 05/09/1957, scr. 24/06/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA816Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 30/08/1957, to Catterick Fire School 13/07/1962, since perishedHistoryEdit
XA817Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 12/11/1957, sold as scrap on 17/12/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA818Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 01/11/1957, sold as scrap on 17/12/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA819Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 04/11/1957, sold as scrap on 24/06/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA820Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 04/09/1957, to 7752M, perished Catterick Fire SchoolHistoryEdit
XA821Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 26/04/1957, to 7749M, scr. Hartlebury 19/09/1977HistoryEdit
XA822Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 04/11/1957, sold as scrap on 17/12/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA823Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 12/11/1957, w/o 21/05/1960HistoryEdit
XA824Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 25/11/1957, sold as scrap on 17/12/1962 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA825Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 22/11/1957, w/o 21/11/1960HistoryEdit
XA826Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 12/12/1957, sold as scrap on 24/06/1963 at ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA827Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 12/12/1957, sold as scrap on 24/06/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA828Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 01/01/1958, sold as scrap on 24/06/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
XA829Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 11/03/1958, s.o.c. 05/04/1962 perished Manston Fire School 08/1977HistoryEdit
XA830Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 01/01/1958, s.o.c. 30/07/1962, perished Catterick Fire SchoolHistoryEdit
XA831Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 12/02/1958, scr. St.Athan 21/10/1963HistoryEdit
XA832Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 05/02/1958, sold as scrap on 29/03/1963 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA833Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 04/03/1958, sold as scrap on 29/03/1963 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA834Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 18/02/1958, sold as scrap on 29/03/1963 at No.23 MU AldergroveHistoryEdit
XA835Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 02/10/1957, w/o 21/05/1960HistoryEdit
XA836Gloster Javelin FAW6d/d 30/08/1957, sold as scrap on 24/06/1963 at No.27 MU ShawburyHistoryEdit
55016XA842Sikorsky S-55 Ex G-AMHK, to WW339, to G-17-1, returned to G-AMHKHistory 
95004XA847EE P.1 Bf/f 04/04/1957, to 8371M, stored Kettleburgh, SuffolkHistory 
95005XA853EE P.1 Bf/f 05/09/1957, s.o.c. 10/02/1965, perished at Boscombe Down and WartonHistory 
95006XA856EE P.1 Bf/f 03/01/1958, scrapped at Rolls Royce, Hucknall during 12/1968History 
WA1XA862Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 15/08/1953, to A2542, (C) pres. at AeroVenture, (F) at ColerneHistory 
WA2XA863Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 28/11/1953, d/d 27/03/1954, w/o 05/07/1955History 
WA3XA864Westland Whirlwind HAR1Ex G-17-1, f/f 28/09/1953, d/d 02/04/1954, stored Cobham HallHistory 
WA5XA865Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 12/05/1954, d/d 06/08/1954, sold to BEA Gatwick, broken up for spares 1963History 
WA6XA866Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 11/03/1954, d/d 29/04/1954, to A2550, scr. 1985 Donington Car MuseumHistory 
WA7XA867Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 31/03/1954, d/d 21/07/1954, w/o 14/12/1961History 
WA8XA868Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 02/04/1954, d/d 20/07/1954, to A2551, scr. Horsham during 1984History 
WA9XA869Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 01/05/1954, d/d 23/08/1954, to A2541, perished PredannackHistory 
WA16XA870Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 18/05/1954, d/d 20/07/1954, to A2543, pres. Aeroventure DoncasterHistory 
WA17XA871Westland Whirlwind HAR1f/f 30/09/1954, d/d 25/10/1954, to A2468, scr. Arbroath 1970History 
672XA876Slingsby T.34A Sky d/d 18/08/1952, BGA4670/JPK Booker, BuckinghamshireHistory 
4374XA879DH Devon C1d/d 21/10/1952, s.o.c. 07/1968, scr. FarnboroughHistory 
4436XA880DH Devon C2d/d 04/09/1953, to G-BVXR 13/01/1995, (N) stored at Elstree StudiosHistory 
XA885Supermarine Swift FRCanxHistory 
XA889Avro Vulcan B1f/f 04/02/1955, d/d 16/03/1956, s.o.c. 22/08/1967, scr. Boscombe Down 12/1967HistoryEdit
XA890Avro Vulcan B1f/f 24/08/1955, d/d 27/04/1956, s.o.c. 05/05/1969, scrapped Bedford 01/1973HistoryEdit
XA891Avro Vulcan B1f/f 22/09/1955, w/o 24/07/1959HistoryEdit
XA892Avro Vulcan B1f/f 23/11/1955, d/d 27/04/1956, to 7746M, scr. Halton 07/1971HistoryEdit
XA893Avro Vulcan B1f/f 16/01/1956, (N) to 8591M, pres. RAF Museum, CosfordHistoryEdit
XA894Avro Vulcan B1f/f 09/01/1957, d/d 29/03/1957, w/o 03/12/1962HistoryEdit
XA895Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 12/08/1956, d/d 18/08/1956, scr. 19/09/1968 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA896Avro Vulcan B1f/f 30/01/1957, d/d 07/03/1957, to Ministry of Aviation, scr. HucknallHistoryEdit
XA897Avro Vulcan B1f/f 10/07/1956, d/d 20/07/1956, w/o 01/10/1956HistoryEdit
XA898Avro Vulcan B1f/f 26/11/1956, d/d 03/01/1957, to 7856M, scr. Halton 08/1971HistoryEdit
XA899Avro Vulcan B1f/f 16/02/1957, d/d 28/02/1957, to 7812M, scr. Cosford 30/08/1973HistoryEdit
XA900Avro Vulcan B1f/f 07/03/1957, d/d 23/05/1957, to 7896M, scr. Cosford 1986HistoryEdit
XA901Avro Vulcan B1f/f 19/03/1957, d/d 04/04/1957, to 7897M, scr. Cranwell 09/1972HistoryEdit
XA902Avro Vulcan B1f/f 13/04/1957, d/d 10/05/1957, to Dishforth fire dump, scrapped 1963HistoryEdit
XA903Avro Vulcan B1f/f 10/05/1957, d/d 31/05/1957, (N) privately owned Stoneykirk, StranraerHistoryEdit
XA904Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 06/1957, d/d 16/07/1957, w/o 01/03/1961, (N) to 7738M, scr.HistoryEdit
XA905Avro Vulcan B1f/f 06/1957, d/d 11/07/1957, to 7857M, scr. Newton 29/01/1974HistoryEdit
XA906Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 06/1957, d/d 12/08/1957, scr. 08/11/1968 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA907Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 07/1957, d/d 29/08/1957, scr. 20/05/1968 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA908Avro Vulcan B1f/f 08/1957, d/d 10/09/1957, w/o 24/10/1958HistoryEdit
XA909Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 08/1957, d/d 01/10/1957, w/o 16/07/1964, s.o.c. 23/07/1964HistoryEdit
XA910Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 09/1957, d/d 31/10/1957, to 7995M, scr. CottesmoreHistoryEdit
XA911Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 09/1957, d/d 01/11/1957, scr. 08/11/1968 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA912Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 10/1957, d/d 02/12/1957, scr. 20/05/1968 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA913Avro Vulcan B1Af/f 11/1957, d/d 19/12/1957, scr. 20/05/1968 at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA917HP Victor B1f/f 01/02/1956, d/d 01/04/1956, w/o 02/03/1961, (N) to 7827M, to KembackHistoryEdit
XA918HP Victor K1d/d 23/06/1956, sold as scrap 20/07/1970HistoryEdit
XA919HP Victor B1d/d 19/09/1957, to 7724M, to Radlett 09/1966, scr. 07/1970HistoryEdit
XA920HP Victor B1d/d 20/03/1956, s.o.c. 13/08/1963 to Foulness Island, since scrappedHistoryEdit
XA921HP Victor B1d/d 12/06/1956, s.o.c. 17/10/1962HistoryEdit
XA922HP Victor B1d/d 29/11/1957, sold as scrap 27/04/1973 at WoodfordHistoryEdit
XA923HP Victor B1d/d 04/02/1958, to 7850M, scr. Cosford 03/1985HistoryEdit
XA924HP Victor B1d/d 27/01/1958, to 7844M, scr. St. Athan 19/06/1975HistoryEdit
XA925HP Victor B1d/d 04/03/1958, scrapped St. Athan during 1965HistoryEdit
XA926HP Victor K1d/d 17/03/1958, s.o.c. 22/11/1976 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA927HP Victor K1d/d 15/04/1958, s.o.c. 01/02/1977 at St. Athan, since scrappedHistoryEdit
XA928HP Victor K1d/d 29/03/1958, s.o.c. 16/12/1976 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA929HP Victor B1d/d 23/06/1958, w/o 16/06/1962, s.o.c. 02/08/1962 as CAT 5S at AkrotiriHistoryEdit
XA930HP Victor K1d/d 09/10/1957, s.o.c. 17/04/1975 as CAT 5S at No.19 MU St. Athan, scr.HistoryEdit
XA931HP Victor B1d/d 28/11/1957, s.o.c. 30/04/1974 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA932HP Victor K1d/d 13/02/1958, to 8517M 14/01/1977, scr. Marham 10/11/1987HistoryEdit
XA933HP Victor B1d/d 03/03/1958, s.o.c. 01/10/1971 as CAT 5S at No.19 MU. St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA934HP Victor B1d/d 25/03/1958, w/o 02/10/1962HistoryEdit
XA935HP Victor B1d/d 09/04/1958, s.o.c. 30/04/1974 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA936HP Victor K1d/d 28/05/1958, s.o.c. 20/09/1976 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA937HP Victor K1d/d 04/06/1958, s.o.c. St. Athan, scr. Foulness 02/1994HistoryEdit
XA938HP Victor K1d/d 28/07/1958, to Pendine Sands 30/09/1978, scr. 1993HistoryEdit
XA939HP Victor K1d/d 27/08/1958, to Catterick Fire School 29/03/1976, perished 1988HistoryEdit
XA940HP Victor B1d/d 10/09/1958, s.o.c. 31/08/1973 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA941HP Victor K1d/d 17/09/1958, s.o.c. 22/11/1974 as CAT 5(S) at No.19 MU St. AthanHistoryEdit
XA947Vickers Wild Goose   
XA948Vickers Wild Goose   
XA949Vickers Wild Goose   
XA950Vickers Wild Goose   
XA951Vickers Wild Goose   
XA952Vickers Wild Goose   
XA957Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA958Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA959Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA960Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA961Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA962Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA963Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA964Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA965Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA966Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA967Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA968Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA969Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA970Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
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XA972Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA973Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
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XA979Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
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XA981Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA982Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA983Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA984Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA985Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA986Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
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XA988Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA989Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA990Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
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XA992Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 
XA993Supermarine Swift F2CanxHistory 

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